During the rainy days of my childhood pre-rebellious and angry teenager faze, I would often play Chess with my friends (The ones who knew how to play the game) I wasn't great at it, but I loved playing it.
There were ways and means in which the players generally undertook each competition; some were smart, some bold, some ruthless, and some, downright stupid. But for me, I was never going to play this game the way everyone around me was telling me to play it. I couldn't see the point. Predictable formulas and structures are somewhat boring and conventional - and if convention always remained the same, things would never change. Besides this, who were they to tell me how to make each move? There were books, sure. But I didn't want to become a second-rate half decent version of someone else - I would rather be a terrible version of myself... at least it was organic. Slowly, as I played, I started to see life as a game of chess. The pieces were all representations of the human animal; each one carrying a certain use and value, which would differ and abound in relation to the board, the game, the situation, and the logistics and varying places of the world within a Chess-board. As we all do, I instantly looked for myself, as the pieces of a fresh new game sat before me... white versus black, Dark versus light, Man versus Man - (Or woman. A few girls have beat me at Chess)...
* Initially, we have pawns. Faced against each-other for the ignorance and power trip of the King, they stand at the front line, waiting to sacrifice themselves for the 'greater good' of protecting the King. Pawns are stupid. Pawns are limited, and can only move one step forward - except for the first move, which is sometimes a double step of idiotic proportions into the bleak unknown. Pawns are also 50% of the board. Every now and again, a pawn will devour a major piece, but only when the piece has a severe distraction to allow this snipe attack. It is very very rare, and the pawns are, by all accounts, little more than human armour to protect the bigger pieces.
*Next is the Rook, or Castle as it is often known. The Castle is steadfast, loyal, and also a protector of the King. He is better than a Pawn, as he moves in long, straight lines. He can and often will take major pieces, but only when he works well with the other pieces. He is dangerous, but limited. A Rook is easy to notice, and easier to defend against. He should not be ignored, but, by all accounts, is little more than a man who openly desires a position directly above him own - very easy to see, therefore even easier to control. His greatest danger is when he remains hidden... but is often left open in view of his movement abilities.
*You then have the Bishop. He is very obscure, and is in its simplest of terms, a distorted version of the Rook. The Bishop moves in a diagonal direction, and tries to imitate the Queen. Certainly a threat, but more of an imitator. They are those who attempt to attain through more obtuse means. A greater challenge then the Rook, for his cunning, he is best handled when not taken seriously. A man who moves diagonally is in many ways trying to work outside the box - while still intrinsically locked inside of it. He works best with an aggressive Rook, and worst when trying to operate through stupid Pawns.
*Then their is the Knight. The Knight is far and away the smartest piece on the Chessboard. The Knight is the only piece which can move both forward and sideways in one swift move. He is also the only piece which can literally jump ahead of any other piece he chooses. He is a tremendous asset to the Queen, and ally to the King. He does not adhere to any science of logic. Is cunning, devious. and a wolf in the clothing of a sheep. His biggest downfall is in moving too fast, not looking when he skips over in a Pawn in an L shape, and landing in the hands of a ruthless and barren major. He is the silent ruler of the King. He is the man behind the curtain - pulling the strings of chaos.
*The King comes next. He is the Daddy of them all. He rules with an iron fist, is the central target for everyone, and the sole aim of conquering, in order to win the game. The board revolves around the King - who can even go as far as sacrificing the Queen, if he so chooses. No other piece is afforded this luxury, at least not directly. Everyone wishes to live as the King. Very few actually can or do.
*Which leaves the Queen. Of course, the Queen is an entirely different concept to the entire board, and, like it or not, she is the true barometer in which the board revolves around. She can move and act in almost any direction and distance she pleases. She can align herself with anyone, at any time, for any reason she sees fit. The Pawns will die for her, the Rooks will worship and guard her, the dodgy, diagonal moving Bishop will attempt to imitate her motions and actions, the Knight will guard her honour against anybody (including the opposite Queen), and the King will defend her as the investment to his future genetic code. The greatest downside of the Queen, is that she is both expendable and replaceable... this sole truth destroying any genuine potential to become absolute ruler and master of the board.
So which piece is the one which most represents you? We all want to be the King, right? In all personal honesty, while being the King is an outwardly desired and, by all accounts, an incredibly powerful position in its direct and obvious influence, the King is in no way the greatest piece on the board. Think about it; he is the bullseye. He is the central target who sits on the throne which everybody wants to sit on. He ordered the Pawns, organizes the Rooks, Knights, and Bishops, and can only move one step at a time, as each move affects every aspect of all which surrounds him - in this case the entire board. Sure, he gets to fuck the Queen, but remains so busy trying to control order and chaos, that he cannot devote all his loyalties and affections to her alone... she has to turn somewhere?
The smartest piece is the Knight. He is always needed, ever resourceful, and in the trenches enough to view with a sharp eye, all which surround him, but not too far in to get swiped by a flying missile of a Bishop or Rook. He will become right-hand man to whichever King rules, by proxy, and probably shafts the Queen behind the Kings back - without needing to adhere to all the responsibilities of protection of the King towards his wife. His worst enemy is the opposite Knight. Which is why he seeks to rid him through other pieces as soon as possible.
Every piece has its place. Every piece has its value. Nobody is born a Rook, a King, a Bishop, or a Queen. We become these pieces as out lives move forward. You may be a Rook, you maybe a Knight, you maybe a dodgy bendy Bishop. Regardless, you matter, and never let anyone convince you otherwise...
I have not played Chess for a few years now, and wonder how good I would be at it in today's world. But it is a very sharp game, and if I ever find the grave of the fella who created it, I owe his skeleton a beer!
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