

The ways we move through our days; sometimes humorous, others serious, always curious.

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Ten Signs of a Real Man
What does it take to be a ture hero of the Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris variety? Read on...

An Open Letter to Facebook; Save Our Pages
As Facebook suffocated the promotion of pages on news feeds, I ask them to reconsider this choice; and explain my reasons why...

The Baby Who Would Be King
As the world celebrates the royal birth, just what kind of a life awaits a future king, born to rule an entire commonwealth...

Comic books, music, movies, and now video games are accused of corrupting each generations youth. This article debunks these myths....

The Conspiracy Collectors
What do all conspiracy theorists have in common? And what is their purpose? Read on..

Ten Uses For a Human Skull
Hilarious account of uses for an otherwise pointless, posthumous item...

The Australian English
Similarities between Brits, and our antipodean cousins down under...

The Worst Song - Almost Ever Written
Memories of attempting to write music based around a five pound note; and why it was an appealing idea...

Five Disgustingly Great Disgusting Inventions; Which Haven't Been Invented Yet)
Items currently not of this world, but probably should be...

The News At Hedgehog
Account of negative media nonsense, and why silly stories leave them barely enjoyable...

Fictional movie story in the vein of Ring; about a psychotic mobile-phone...

The Jehova's Witness
True story of a preachers attempt to convert me into a believer, in a Wembley park.

Trolling Trolling Trolling!
The reality of Internet trolls; in all their darkened room, hairy-handed glory..

Reality Classes
The education system lacks lessons in paying bills, dealing with insecurity, and general issues of the world outside the classroom. Here I explain why reality classes, would be a fantastic idea...

Reality Class 101: Bullshitters
An exploration of the world's endless cavalcade of nonsense providers, and their importance in the daily grind of life...

I Would Love to Live in a World Where
A series of humorous points on a less insufferable world...

The Dangers of Destiny
Faith, and how it only works when dedication and effort is added to the mix; told through Germany's demolition of Brazil, at the 2014 FIFA World Cup Finals...

'Unhealthy' Competition
Article on the importance of combat; when there is nothing more at steak than the feeling of superiority...

The Colour of Life
Black and white are terms defined as skin tones, in a world where skin tone is never literally black and white. This articles explains the idea in further detail...

How to Screw Starbucks
A simple yet effective method to obtain a free cup of tea, from the world's largest coffee provider...