

Childhood stories, fictional works, and other random articles I couldn't place anywhere else

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Memories of Childhood; Worst, T-Shirt, Ever!
A teenage story of wearing the only clean piece of household clothing to a non-uniform day; an Adolf Hitler World Tour shirt...

Of Moggies and Garbagemen
Part five, in the continuing story of Fatty and Buddy...

Fearless Fatty and the Sky Noises
Part four, in the continuing story of Fatty and Buddy...

The Spiritual Buddy
Part three, in the continuing story of Fatty and Buddy...

The Mutiny of Fatty and Buddy
Part two, in the continuing story of Fatty and Buddy...

Fatty's Point
Part one in the story of Fatty and Buddy; the amazing neighbourhood cats...

Pudding and Potato's Christmas; 1 of 4
The loveable yuletide tale of a family Pug and cat, part one...

Pudding and Potato's Christmas; 2 of 4
The loveable yuletide tale of a family Pug and cat, part two...

Pudding and Potato's Christmas; 3 of 4
The loveable yuletide tale of a family Pug and cat, part three..

Pudding and Potato's Christmas; 4 of 4
The final part in the yuletde tale of the family Pug and cat...

Yoga Positions
Promoting the benefits of the body twisting, mind relaxing, spiritual fitness regime...

Match of the Day: 2024
An amusing look at the BBC sports kingpin, many years from now...

'I Could Manage Arsenal'
The perceptions of running a high pressure position, versus the reality...

The Internet Files - Day One: 1998
Overview of the World Wide Web, in the early days of its development...

The Internet Files - Day Two: Children of the Internet
How a generation evolved around a technology, and a technology evolved around a generation...

The Internet Files - Day Three: Renting the Wizard
A pre-YouTube, childhood tale of VCR's, VHS rentals and low-rent Fred Savage movies...

The Internet Files - Day Four: Generation X-Box
How a generation fell behind a technology, and a technology flew past a generation...

The Internet Files - Day Five: Scam Sandwich
Internet scams; in all their hilarious and tragic glory...

The Internet Files - Day Six: Porn
Hardcore, softcore, free core and without a core; the world of online smut and it's effect on the eyes of a civilization...

The Internet Files - Day Seven: Jobs Worth
The philosophy of a man who revolutionized a technology, and if often considered a stalwart of 20th century development...