

The world of entertainment, in all its weird and wonderful ways

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How Would you Write, Back to the Future Four?
How would you create a sequel, to the classic series from the 1980's....

What Would You Do, With Biff Tannen's Sport's Almanac?
Given all the possibility of control in one time-travelled book, how would you utilise such a limitless form of power...

The Importance of Being Ringo
Testament to the irreplaceable value of the Beatles drummer, and how any other personality would have ruined their perfect square...

The 80's Children
Why life in the 1980's was a living hell for adults, yet a personal heaven for children...

Whatever Happened to The Breakfast Club
Fictional account of the whereabouts of John Bender and co; nearly three decades later...

Collecting the Ultimate Warrior
Trying to understand why my brother spent almost $1000 on a pair of pants once owned and worn by a professional-wrestler...

The Bea Alonzo Story
Biography on a young Filipino singer and movie star; and the silent charity and inspiration she provides...

Garbage Pail Memories
Article on a financially starved childhood; and how it was held together by grotesque stickers of the 1980's...

Mister Christmas
The story and reason of a man who claims to celebrate Christmas every single day of the year...

10 Obscure 80's Cartoons;You May Have Forgotten
Galaxy High, Bananaman, and countless other children's shows; lost in the annals of entertainment graveyards...

Knightmare on Nerd Street
Memories of a fantasy/science-fiction children's show from the 1990's...

Bon Jovi in Birmingham
Review of a Bon Jovi stadium concert; from a neutral observer and music lover...

Dirty Dancing; a Male Perspective
How it is possible to enjoy and appreciate this universally loved by females classic; as a heterosexual male...

The Innocent Guilty
The incredible wonders of 1950's movie "Twelve Angry Men", and why it is still deemed in such high regard...

The Real Slim Shady
Lady Gaga and the rest of the famous using the perception of "crazy" as a marketing tool...

Back to Black
Written on discovering the death of Amy Winehouse, this articles reflects on the harsh realities of judgement, we case against those in the public eye...

The Psychology of Michael Jackson
Misunderstood in our times, just who was the real king of the moonwalk? And will history remember him in the same light as it does in the 21st century...

One Giant Leap
Humorous, heartfelt tribute to first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong...

An Open Letter to Superman...
If you could ask the Man of Steel to complete a few real life tasks, what would they be...

Whatever Happened to The Young Ones?
Fictional account of the fanatical foursome, three decades later...

Seven Reasons Patrick Stewart is Awesome...
A celebration of the liberal genius, known for his roles as Jean-Luc Picard and Professor Xavier...

The Perfect Prison Movie
Clichéd rules for every prison movie ever made; and why they are such an awesome staple of cinema...

Gritty Urban Robocop
Realistic take on the 80's classic; if it were directed by a Spike Lee or Quentin Tarantino...

Following William Shatner
Focus on why over 1.6 million people follow the legendary Captain Kirk, on Twitter...

Commercial Rebellion
The smoke and mirrors of musical 'rebels', and how it is used for the purposes of wealth for men behind these curtains...

Without the Mask
How personal perceptions of Jim Carrey character "The Mask" changes from the innocence of childhood, to the maturity of adult life...

How to Become a Professional Rapper
Like prison movies, all you need are a few clichéd rules, and rap super-stardom awaits...

The Fantastic Mister Terry Fox
Little known tale of Canada's bravest soul and humanitarian, whose cause has raised over $600 million dollars since 1980...

Dear Insecure Megalomaniacs
An open letter to the dictators of the world; and why they act as they do, with the fear they carry on their shoulders through childhood....

The Soul Foundation of Bon Jovi
Article on the charitable nature of Jon Bon Jovi, and how the notion of community building, is a more wiser, progressive ideal...

Everyone Loved Rik
A tribute to the comedic genius of Rik Mayall; who left our world far too soon, but left it with a compendium of laughter and entertainment...

Rest in Ceefax
Tribute to the interactive pre-dater of modern internet, no longer active in modern society...