

A collection of articles containing more considered accounts of aspects within our days and lives

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On God's Behalf
Preachers of all religions speak on behalf of their God, and yet perhaps God speaks through more sideways sources...

Clean Your House Naked
Excerpt from self-help/parody book "31 Ways to Improve Your Days"...

Eventually Be Computers
One day, religions will be replaced with the notion of microchip Gods. This article explain how this is likely to happen...

Human Chess
The world as a collection of chess piece; and how each attains value relative to its position...

The Simplicity of Genius
Article on the often ignored hidden nature of a genius, which understand how to embrace life, without too much thought..

Moments in Perpetual Motion
As our solitary lives flow upon the rise and fall of a sunset, so do over seven billion others...

Concrete Roses
The tale of where we can find beauty, in even the most desolate and surprising of places...

The Ocean
Three men; one ocean. A collection of viewpoints surrounding the mysterious deep blue sea...

When is a glass of water worth more, when is it worth less...

My Shoes
Purchased fresh, new and full of promise, only to be worn down to a haggard mess, this is the story of the underappreciated footwear, which follows us everywhere we go...

The Hidden Palace
Just as silent waters run deep, so is true of human beings...

Do events happen for a reason, or simply because they have to...

Ladders to God
If man built a ladder to reach God, how long would it be, and how long would it take to reach them...

24 hours, 1440 minutes, 86,400 seconds. What exactly lies within the structure, of one full day...

Across the Universe
Who owns earth? What is earth? Where, why and how do we contain such a vast collection of species and nature...

The Wobbly Wooden Table
Sometimes we seek the most complicated answers to a problem, when the solution is usually much more straightforward...

Le Coffre Au Tresor (The Treasure Chest)
What is the true value of treasure? Does it lie in its inanimate value, or is there more to it than just what is seen with the naked eye... 

The Alltheist
Choose a religion, choose no religion, or choose all religion...

The City Tree
A simple tree, standing tall in the heart of Central London. Passed by thousands, yet rarely seen...

Either Side of the Bed
Two alternating viewpoints of one day; the only change being the perception...

The Picket Fence House
A reflection of the happy beginning, the path to its eventual ending, and the often neglected importance of maintenance over revolution...

Missing Miracles
If we close our eyes, we cannot see. If we close our minds, we cannot think, if we close our hearts...

Child's Play
A simple account of the difference between adult and childhood communication...

50 Things Which Make Me Just Like Everybody Else
Points of life, which connect us all...