
Loved Jack.

"Not Jack. But how I imagine he is today"
"For part one of this article, please click here."

This article is an update to the story of abandoned Jack Russell Terrier, ‘Little Jack; who touched more animal loving hearts than I could possibly have imagined. Eager to discover, and a couple of phone calls and ten mile journey later, I can tell you his story does indeed, have an outcome…

Little Jack – his newly christened name, was found ten days ago tied to a collar attached to a lamppost; near the rescue centre which took him in. Cold, hungry, frightened and confused, the unchipped fella - estimated to be aged around three to five years old, and thankfully disease and illness free, was cleaned, fed, and given some much needed care and attention - and a warm bed. One nurse told me he had a glowing personality, yet was naturally silenced by the pain of what had happened to him, and the fear of what could.

Fortunately for little Jack, a Saturday in a town centre feeling rejected, turned into a Monday in the arms of a new family, perky and excited. The easy to love dude was adopted by a friend of one of the nurses who – like anyone who ever met the lovely little guy, took to him instantly; and vice versa. According to the nurse, his eyes sparked when they met, and all dejection vanished in a short feeling out spell of ten minutes. Little Jack now lives in a small town just outside of Edinburgh, Scotland, where he is no longer sad, lonely little Jack, but happy and content in his new forever home, loved Jack; though he does have a couple of tabby seniors to contend with, which should keep him busy. 

The shelter owners rejected any publicity, and even though I wanted to, didn’t feel it right to interfere further into Jack’s story; knowing he is happy is more than enough. However, as all people of heart tend to do, asked I remind readers of the sheer torture abandoned pets go through, and to promote the nationwide United Kingdom law beginning April 2016, in which all dogs must be legally chipped by 2016; containing the personal details of their guardians. So should awful, irresponsible, and selfish acts like this ever happen, there will be at least some form of just punishment for doing so – and hopefully discourage those who have any intention beyond providing a loving, lifetime home for these wonderful souls, from taking dogs into their homes.

On a final note. I wrote the initial piece with the intention of warming the hearts of animal lovers worldwide. If I am honest, the reaction and concern towards Jack – from those across the continents, lit a fire inside of mine; from the sheer volume of empathy towards him. For this I just wanted to thank you all, for showing me how much selfless love a vast majority of the human race have for our canine friends. The more I write about dogs, the more I realise not just how awesome they are, but also the sheer beauty of those who fully commit to allowing each dog into their hearts, minds, and now and again, unguarded toilet bowls.

Before leaving, I told the shelter of all the love and support Jack had received through this article; she said she would let him know. I imagine he already senses it, anyway... 

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  1. so glad to know of the great outcome for Little Jack...Jack Russells have a special place in my heart, though I love all dogs...I saw this on FB...and I don't care who knows who I am...Sue Boggs, USA...

  2. I have a jack Russell who is now 14 .. I love this dog to death! Will miss her terribly when she crosses the rainbow

  3. This article made my heart bleed, I fail to understand how any one can reject a loving dog. I have a twice rescued Jack Russell cross who is so loving, he will be with me and loved unconditionally until he crosses over and then he will be missed as much as my other pups who have passed away.
