
Tommy and the Furry Friends Animal Rescue.

My collection of Facebook ‘like’ pages is minimal. Beyond a few book, bands, movies, and historical figures I click here and there, I tend to avoid them; as either pointless, moronic, created by a 12-year-old, or in some cases, all three. I also prefer a news feed devoid of traffic overload. Of course, facebook pages are much like human beings, and while many idiots exist, there are far more useful, positive, and wonderful ones around. And it is one of the few pages I 'like' I want to promote, as it is by far the most heartwarming page I have ever seen…

FurryFriends AnimalRescue is a non-profit, non-destruct animal shelter, set up at a home in Surrey, England, in 1999. Their main aim is to take in the vast majority of domestic and exotic lost creatures, which struggle to find forever homes; mainly due to deformity or illness. Being a small home environment, they do their best to maintain each and every souls well-being. And even if it becomes apparent a creature cannot get along there, adequate care is provided to seek alternative places to live. Essentially, they are extending many lives, which otherwise would never have escaped death row. You may call them angels, saints, or just downright good pure hearted human beings - either way, their contribution to this world is unprecedented.

Of course, a selection of the animals remain here for life; I can imagine they are easy to fall in love with. One of the stars of their life-saving show is Tommy (pictured above) – an unwanted Pomeranian from Ireland with deformed back-legs, left to rot in a pound where no man - or dog, should have to live. I cannot go a day without a photo or update from his personal Facebook page (he is quite the charismatic superstar), showing him nomming on some obscure item, making a light-hearted joke about his buddies, or just generally showing off in his incredibly devilish and handsome way. A super-cool dude who otherwise would have gone to doggy heaven far too soon, is now living a prosperous life surrounded by loving humans and pure hearted animals – also saved from the same fate. In many ways, he is one of the richest souls alive; maybe he was a saint in previous life, and is cashing in his well-earned good karma receipts. 

"Gordon the Tortoise"
And yet Tommy is one of many animals loaded in love and personality, saved by FurryFriends. Over the past year I have been amazed by their constant appeals to re-home all sorts of animals, in a relentless passion impossible to fake. And after seeing their recent addition to the forever home gang of Gordon the Tortoise; a poor fella who lost both a front and back leg, there was no doubt the people who run this shelter are ordinary people achieving the extraordinary, on a daily basis. 

I imagine there are many shelters like this in the world, and if you can help any animal in any way, please do. They are such innocent and loving souls – dogs especially, and honest in a manner us humans often lack or struggle with. If you can, please join Tommy’s personal page, and FurryFriends too, and show your support! :-)

The love of Tommy’s human parents gave him life, and his hilarious and often adorable antics make me smile every day. This article is not just to promote them, but to also salute those who created and run this shelter; it restores my faith in humanity on a daily basis. And continues to remind me how a world without animals is not even worth thinking about, and a world with updates involving Tommy, Gordon, and the rest of the gang, is a form of heaven in it's own right...
Tommy's Facebook Page 
FurryFriendsAnimalRescue Facebook Page 

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  1. Even in my darkest days earlier this year when I lost my mum, Tommy was always guaranteed to (in his words) give me the happies. :D

  2. A great read, I too read Tommy's daily updates and they never fail to make me smile, the ladies who run Furry Friends are amazing. Thank you

  3. I love his daily updates it's great to be king tommy

  4. Thank you for this lovely write up on Tommy and the rescue. It is nice to see that people read and keep up with our work :)

  5. I made Tommy the focal point, but in all honesty they are all wonderful animals in their different ways. I salute you and everyone at Furry Friends! That kind of giving really has no price on it. :-)

  6. Always hold Furry Friends close to me, wonderful people - sending thanks for all you do x

  7. I follow Tommy and Furry Friends all the way from Portland, Oregon USA and absolutely love them. Their compassion and love for all creatures is just amazing. Tommy is quite the entertainer and being a "pommy mommy" myself I very much enjoy his antics. Bless these folks for the wonderful work they do.

  8. Thank you :)
    The fame is going to Tommy's head!

  9. I hope Tommy is giving lots of pawtographs to all his adoring fans! :-)

    1. He does send autographs for a donation to Furry Friends ;)

  10. Following this wonderful rescue is one of my daily JOYS.... Tommy is always good for a giggle and the posts on FB are great.
