
The Internet Files - Day Six: Porn.

"Fake Boobs"

Somewhere in this world, a hormonal teenage boy secretly masturbates to transsexual midget pornography. Somewhere else, others do the same; each viewing any number of scenes involving odd sexual fetish material. They watch morbidly obese Afro-Caribbean twins, anthropomorphic animation, blondes in bondage whipped by geriatrics – and the other way around, and all manner of bizarre couplings. If you can imagine It, it’s out there online; the list unquestionably filthy, and essentially, endless. In the 21st century, not only is hardcore pornography available on tap, it is also private, limitless, and at the mercy of whatever form of fornication material, any young – or old pervert, readily desires.

Before the Internet exploded, porn was a scarce notion of smut, used primarily by virgin teenage boys to sate their wildfire libidos and hour long boners. Without the agony of choosing between endless online scenes of couples having sex, their answers came in the forms of tame midnight movies on television, cheap 1980’s skin-flicks floating around on VCR, and most importantly, an active imagination; I once knew a guy who recorded the sound on visually encrypted soft porn station “The Fantasy Channel”, then viewed it later alone in his bedroom. The pornography available was clean, lightweight, and never kinkier than two lesbians and the odd latex costume; even a strap-on-dildo was a severe eye-opener. 

Looking back - and ignoring the harsh reality of life as a porn-star, it was a fairly healthy state of affairs. The psychological side of sex; role-playing, fetishes, and so forth, were reserved for experienced adults who understood why these preferences interested them, and boys didn’t talk about sex to each other beyond; “I’d give her one”. Besides this, once the majority of teenage boys reached adulthood and entered the dating pool, they had already discarded the Kleenex and the VCR, for a new breed of boys to take over; a simple cycle, but one which had continued since young males lusted over Michelangelo’s stationary porn on the Sistine Chapel ceiling, in the early sixteenth century.

Today, It is a whole different world of sex and psychology. If I am a thirteen-year-old boy today; with the same curiosities, hormones, and wild libido of any teenage generation. When I get home from school I am going straight to my bedroom; closing the curtains, grabbing a wad of toilet tissues, and searching for online porn. Shit, if brutally honest - if that kind of porn is available and I am thirteen? Besides for eating and toilet breaks, I’m never leaving my bedroom; much less opening the curtains to see the sunlight! As damaging and unhealthy as that sounds, how would I know better at such an age? I am sitting there with an Aladdin’s cave of fuck movies before my eyes, and a hard-on which never goes away; if it was the summer holidays, I’d never put my trousers back on.

And that is what scares me. Whatever anyone says, pornography is destructive to the developing mind of a child. It isn’t natural to watch two people having sex on a screen – at any age. It is also not as much corruptive having so much of it readily available, as to the specific level of choice and preference available; watching two soft-core lesbians get it on is one thing, having over a hundred fake-rape and randy octogenarian clips at the power of your fingertips, is pretty fucking scary – especially if you have children. 

There isn’t a current solution to internet porn. Governments seek to ban it, but only do so as an excuse to take away our fundamental freedoms online; which I feel is vital to retain, at this point in history. Future technology; which I believe will grow in conjunction as the internet separates aspects of itself; much like a developing society, will likely make it harder to access porn. Until then, however, how do you stop a horny kid viewing this stuff in the comfort of his own bedroom or Smartphone? 

Perhaps porn is no different to the myriad of advertising, music videos, television shows, magazines, and such, which sexualise, degrade, and objectify women in a much more passive yet equally psychologically damaging matter, than porn does so blatantly. Maybe the issue is not one in which we have so much natural desire to see sex, as opposed to the reality we are taught – on both sides of the gender, that there really is nothing more important to a human being, than how fuckable they are. Who knows? It's an ongoing issue. And for those of you who clicked for the boobies? Thank you for proving that point…


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