
The Devils Fingers.

                                             Two houses face you; of equal size, material, style, and in every sense a carbon replica of one another. However, one distinct, discernible difference lies between them; the first house contains curtain-less, transparent windows - allowing you to view deep into the heart of each rooms décor. The second house is ensconced in boarded up darkness - each room a mystery to all who pass. The question is this; which house strokes more curiosity from within?

I was in Tesco today purchasing post gym products to nom on, when I happened to notice the cigarette counter in front of me was covered by thick white sliding doors; clearly making the jobs of the kiosk workers awkward - without any added pay, of course. On my inquiry as to why, I was told it was due to the introduction of a new government legislated white paper - to take full nationwide effect by April 2012. A paper declaring all for sale tobacco related products to be legally hidden from public view, or face punishment of a revoked trading licence. The idea behind this being it will discourage both old and potential new smokers from continuing or beginning to puff on the dreaded, nicotine fuelled, weed; out of sight, out of mind, I guess. They suggest this will help to eradicate smoking in the UK by 2035, and in their view, it will work something like this...

The long-term converted adult smoker strolls into the local newsagent; they glance around and cannot see packets of cigarettes anywhere. They think to themselves 'Hmm, my eyes do not see cigarettes, so therefore I do not think about them. Wow, suddenly I carry no desire to engage in the psychological and physical addiction, I have undertaken twenty times per day for the past three decades. Eureka! I will quit smoking. How easy was that!"
The young teenager however, walks into the same store, as a friend mentions buying a packet of cigarettes. He thinks "Cigarettes, what are cigarettes? Oh yeah, those dirty, cancer creating, devils fingers - the very same killers our wonderful, compassionate government do not want us to destroy our lives and health with. I know, I will listen to their lucid advice, and never smoke my first cigarette. Yay! I will live to 90 now, providing I don't get stabbed in an alley." In the world of Eastenders it works exactly like this. In reality, here is what actually happens;

The long-term converted adult smoker strolls into the local newsagent; they glance around and cannot see packets of cigarettes anywhere. They think to themselves "I want nicotine! I want my twenty fags!  Hold on, now they are a naughty pleasure I am not meant to have... I want fourty fags!" They are handed the colourless packet, and couldn't give a shit whether it was blank or had a picture of Ron Jeremy's twelve-inch cock on it, as they force open the packet in quick time, to light the smoke. They know nicotine is bad for them, but now the illusive veil of social rejection is apparent, it makes them wish to smoke more.
The young teenager however, walks into the same store, as a friend mentions buying a packet of cigarettes. And he thinks "Cigarettes? You mean those secret, guarded behind fort-Knox style closed doors puffing sticks? The very same narcotics adults never never never want us to even look at, let alone light and breather into our fit, healthy lungs? Shit yeah, if they don't want us to use them so desperately, they must be pretty fucking special! Lets rebel, lets buy some! Lets fight the system!"

You could argue the whole idea is a stonecutter style conspiracy to passively create more smokers, whilst pretending to desire the opposite; the strain smoking causes the NHS is considered a fault of government neglect, whereas buying the fags itself an act of personal choice. But I think it is just simple stupidity by people so seduced by forms of power they don't deserve or earn, their notion of reality is distorted beyond recognition. Much like Edwina Curry suggesting she understood the working classes because she "listened to Chas and Dave", these morons have no clue how the minds of the average person operate. The best way to stop smoking - just stop producing them globally; but there is far too much money in smokes for that to happen.

The whole situation made me laugh out loud; as the circus of life grows evermore unique in it's stupidity. I am not one who believes this nation is a mess; I think England is a wonderful country, rich in incredible people. I see the general despair as a viewpoint created by ferociously negative media outlets, to induce a culture of fear and consumerism. But it goes to show how inside out and upside down life can be. Those who care lack as much power as they attain understanding, and those with power hardly understand at all. What next? Alcohol, Coffee? Pot Noodles?

Cigarettes - it may as well be moonshine; and that still gets produced by the dirty, red-neck bucket-load; usually, in a boarded up house...


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